Saturday 15 August 2015

A Bad Guide To House Hunting

So, this time last week, my wonderful friend Izzy came up and packed my life, my cat and my very teary self into her car and brought me back to Mums in East Sussex safe and sound. And, after just one week of homelessness, I've managed to find some housemates and a place to live! Not bad going for a week if you ask me! Here are a few simple steps to find somewhere like I did if you're ever in a similar situation. 

1. Make sure you don't start looking for somewhere new till well after the contract at your previous tenancy has run out and you've had to take two weeks off work to come and live with your mummy. 

2. Make sure you save next to no money and spend it all on beer and takeaways instead. 

3. Make sure you drink three bottles of red wine the night before your viewings and stay up really late so you feel like complete shit and you're exhausted all day.

4. Choose two housemates who are in a relationship so you can be a total third wheel and just chill with your cat for the duration of the new tenancy.

5. Don't mention the fact you have a cat.

6. Make sure not to check the weather on the day of your viewings so you don't bring a coat, get completely drenched and then get a chest infection.

7. Be sure to keep smoking all day even though you know you're getting a chest infection. 

8. Go to loads of properties out of your price range so the ones you can afford look a bit naff in comparison. 

9. Spend loads of money on food in between viewings so you have less for your deposit. 

10. Complain about how tired you are at 5 minute intervals throughout the day to everyone around you and get your new housemates super excited to live with you. 


All kidding aside though, it was a successful and actually quite fun day and I'm HUGELY relieved I actually have somewhere to live in two weeks time, and have two amaze housemates to make a home with for the next year. The crippling panic and anxiety has eased of at least slightly. Although not completely as until we move to the new place I am stuck in a house where my mums cat and my cat are at actual war. Sweet.

I think yesterday working out is mainly down to luck, as as you can see we were not incredibly organised, we were very hungover and by about 3pm just wanted to give up and go to bed. This is not a good lesson in adulting however I am  walking proof everything tends to just work out in the end! THANK GOD.

So here I sit with a rank chest infection, tea, toast and lemsip up to my eye balls and still in my PJs at 5pm. Adulting at its finest I'm sure you will agree. And I don't even have my mummy to look after me because she buggered off to Ireland as soon as she heard I was coming home for two weeks. Cheers Ma. If anyone wants to come take care of me that would be FAB THANKS.

Happy adulting bitches x

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