Wednesday 29 July 2015

Feminism For Dummies

Ok, so this post is very slightly off the blogs topic, but its in my brain and I need to get it out. ..

In the last year or so my interests have slightly broadened to more than TOWIE and McDonalds, I've learned some stuff about politics and that, how the country works, and for years now I've been pretty passionate about the Gay Rights and Feminist debates. Recent events, both personal and international have caught my attention regarding the feminism debate in particular, and sadly it seems there are still some stupid knobs out there that need to be majorly educated on what Feminism actually is.

There seems to be a lot of shame surrounding the word feminism. It seems to conjure up an image of a middle aged, man hating, fat lesbian in an RE teachers jumper and baggy ill fitting trousers with a spiky haircut. This first of all (LOL) is not the case. Although I'm sure there are actually feminists who do look like that, and a lot of gay women will be feminists too, feminists do not hate men. I'm a feminist and I fucking LOVE men. Yum yum. Give me ALL of the men. What we do hate is that we cant wear a short skirt without society telling us we look like a slut, or we are 'asking to be raped'. We cant do what we want with our bodies, have sex with the people we want to - like a man can - if we are not in a long term relationship without being called easy. Which I have NEVER understood, because guys, you clearly love sex and can have as much of it as you wan't and get high fived - if there weren't like minded chicks out there who were happy to have (safe consensual) casual sex, who would you be getting it from? Either stop being promiscuous yourselves, or pipe down with the slut shaming or you aint getting ANY BITCH! We can't be a plumber or a mechanic without people raising eyebrows because they are 'men's professions'. I will explain it simply for those mentally challenged people out there who just don't seem to understand - we just want to have the choice to do all the same things that men can do. We don't think we are better than men. We don't hate men. Some of us even wan't to be that perfect housewife with a man who goes out to work while we look after the kids and the house, we just want to know there are other options out there if we wanted them. ITS SO BLOODY SIMPLE, MY GOD.

The #IAmNotAFeminist hash tag that recently went around on social media both makes me lol and makes me very, very sad. It was an idea that started because some dumb girl came to the conclusion that people who claim feminism is about equality (WHICH IT IS) are wrong because it doesn't recognize the struggles men have to deal with, like getting raped in prison and not winning custody of their children in divorces - which are obviously big issues that absolutely need to be addressed... BUT LET ME EXPLAIN SOME SHIT TO YOU HONEY. The feminist movement was started in a time women were not allowed to vote, when they weren't allowed to work, when they weren't allowed to be a homeowner, when it was completely LEGAL for your husband to RAPE you. Lets hear you say you're not a feminist when all that gets taken away from you. People actually died for your rights to do those things, you bloody ignorant CRETIN. It is called FEMinism because it was a movement that started about the equality of WOMEN in a time when there was absolutely NONE. We were basically like our husbands pet dog.

We have won a hell of a lot of the battles and I feel totally privileged to live in a time I am allowed to do all of those things as a woman because of someone elses' hard work and sacrifice. We still have a long way to go, however times have changed hugely, and now we have so many of the same rights as men feminists are largely willing to acknowledge inequalities men have and fight for those too. However a man doing the same job as a woman in a lot of industries will still get paid more, and 'slut shaming' still exists. Until there is complete equality in areas such as these, and many more, there is still a reason for feminism to exist. I absolutely, completely 100% wholeheartedly agree that the issues to do with mens inequality need to be addressed and made more widely known and combated once and for all, but essentially, it is actually a different battle - and maybe give that battle a name, I don't know, but don't hate on feminists just because it WAS given a bloody name. And actually, thinking about it, I'm pretty sure that discriminatibg a man because of his gender is still sexism, so it ALREADY has a name. Pipe down. 

These people fight for equality overall these days, as womens struggle in society has, thankfully, decreased so much. I can be pretty sure if they feel that passionately about womens rights, they will feel the same about human rights in general, and every bracket that falls under that.

I feel like a lot of women are scared to admit they are a feminist, or aren't even AWARE that they are a feminist because of the man hating, fat lesbien stereotype. That stereotype needs to get the eeeeeeeeeeff out, and we all need to embrace the word, guys and girls. I mean if you're a boy and you're not a total c-bomb and you're not from the 1950's, I hate to break it to you but you're probably a feminist too mate. And girls, don't be afraid of it because you're scared saying you support feminism will scare a guy off - I mean lad's, dating a feminist is pretty awesome. They'll probably pretty sexually secure (and will fuck a lot). They're most likely pretty intelligent and educated. They're probably compassionate, passionate, with a free spirit. They will probably want to pay for dinner. And for those reasons they're probably pretty fun too. I mean, I'd date me...
And yes, they probably can still cook and clean and make you a sandwich too, they might just expect you to return the fucking favour sometimes. That's literally it. That's it. Not so awful is it. JESUS.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I feel so good now that's out of my brain and onto my laptop screen. There is more to come on this topic, but I shan't bore you with it now. I'm sure you political people can pick plenty of holes in my argument, but please save your energy and my time, and kindly fuck off. Thank you ever so much in advance.

I make writing this post about 5 billion adult points for me, so I will spend the rest of the week eating microwave meals, watching reality TV, not opening my post and burying my head in the sand when it comes to grown up things, because I've earned it. No more adulting this week. I'm exhausted.

YOU guys carry on though, you're doing a smashing job. Happy adulting x

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  1. I like the sound of men legally raping their wives.......... Is that what feminism means?

  2. There's nothing funny in making jokes about rape.
