Monday 13 July 2015

An Introduction to Attempting to Manage Adult Life

My name is Sophia, I'm 22 and I'm potentially London's worst twenty-something. Although on the surface I look like I'm doing OK; I have a well-paid job for someone my age with no degree, I have a cool place, great friends, and a cute cat... I find the fact I have to pay bills, go to work, buy boring stuff like soap and bog roll with my own hard-earned money, cook for myself, manage my own bedtime, and try not to drink myself into oblivion to cope with it all on a daily basis, a very real struggle. To give you a picture of what my life is like under the surface... 

This is what my phone looks like.

This is what my bedroom looks like.

This is what the laptop I'm typing on looks like.

This is how I deal with all of the above.

I'm on a quest to better my adulting skills, and very slowly, after 4 years of being in the big bad, grown up world, and in what I'm pretty sure is the most expensive city on the face of planet earth, I'm learning how to manage the challenging things adult life throws at me. 

My first piece of advice to anyone around my age would be do not move out. Live with your parents for as long as feasibly possible. Get a job, and get some savings.

If you must move out, my second piece of advice would be do not get a cat. Like I did.

If you must get a cat, do not get a tortoiseshell cat. Like I did. They're mental. Google it.

If you must get a tortoiseshell cat, do this. 

My next piece of advice would be do not get Tinder. It costs you. It costs you money by eating up your data like a fat kid eats up cake. And inevitably that means you pay for more data because its 2015 and if you can't use Facebook on the commute to work, then what the fuck else can you do. Look out the bus window? No. It costs you self confidence because you don't understand how after your 700th Tinder date nobody has fallen in love with you and immediately proposed. HELLO HAVE YOU SEEN ME, I HAVE A CAT AND I OWN LIKE 4 DIFFERENT BEDSPREADS. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT. And finally it costs you more in money because chivalry is dead and the dude is probably going to expect you to pay for half of dinner and get at least 3 rounds of drinks.

Just kidding about that last bit, I'm all for girl power - I don't actually think gals need to be paid for by a guy, but not going on dates at all eliminates the need to spend money on some douche bag who only wants a blow job.

My final piece of advice: ASDA is bae. 

I came to London as a complete supermarket snob, having grown up in a family that only shopped in Sainsbury's and Marks and Sparks (as my Mum used to call it). ASDA was a no go. It was for Jeremy Kyle rejects and the homeless. Now I will never, ever shop anywhere else. Why would you spend £5 on tea bags when you can get them for 50p? Why go to three different shops for a chicken pasty, a bath mat and a chlamydia test when you can get all three at ASDA? Trust me, even if you're moving from Buckinghamshire where ASDA isn't even part of your vocabulary, it will save your sorry twenty-something life.

So, here we are at the end of post one. I've started this blog to try and get my shit together, and maybe help some other people in my position do the same. I'm a fan of many of the finer things in life; salmon, gin, avocados (also bae), MAC, Topshop, eating out and many, many other things I can't afford. So I'm going to try my best to be savvier with my dolla, and hopefully help you all to be too.

Laters babes x

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant. I don't think I've laughed so much in a while. My friend introduced me to your blog and I look forward to reading through the rest of your entries.

